TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

150 years of tram in Antwerpen (28/05/2023)


798 КБ

Антверпен,  Двухосный моторный вагон  5351

Lange Gasthuisstraat

The public rides were a great success and also an excellent opportunity to photograph a number of museum trams at leisure and in optimal conditions.
This 5351 in particular remains special: it still has an old pantograph and it is its first ride in exactly 20 years.

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

685 КБ

Антверпен,  Двухосный моторный La Croyère  200


The route between the tram museum and the parade gave the opportunity to photograph all the old vehicles in a very quiet way (and this in contrast to the parade itself).

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

750 КБ

Антверпен,  Двухосный прицепной вагон  A.8947 


The horse tram service was a unique event: the last time was in 1973 and then it was still on train tracks...

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

655 КБ


The first vehicle inde tramparade was a horse omnibus: this vehicle simply drove on the street and is the precursor of a bus. This vehicle is a replica and served as a tourist attraction in Antwerp at the turn of the century.

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

627 КБ

Антверпен,  Двухосный прицепной вагон  A.8947 
Антверпен,  Двухосный моторный La Croyère  200
Антверпен,  CGTA 2-axle motor car  181
Антверпен,  CGTA 2-axle motor car  8826


The tram parade was a great success, both for the enthusiasts and the general public. As always with such occasions, making good photos was not easy. Fortunately, there were other opportunities during the day to do this on a quieter way.

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

730 КБ

Антверпен,  Bombardier Flexity 2  7346


28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

721 КБ

Антверпен,  BN PCC Antwerpen (modernised)  7158
Антверпен,  BN PCC Antwerpen (modernised)  7085


All tram types present were represented in the tram parade. These P.C.C.'s were given an exterior refurbishment for the occasion...

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

635 КБ

Антверпен,  BN PCC Gent (modernised)  6207


A former tram from Ghent also took part in the tram parade. The place in the parade referred to when the tram arrived in Antwerp, not the year of construction.

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

721 КБ

Антверпен,  CAF Urbos 100  7434


As with most tram parades, a vehicle of the latest series is the last vehicle of the parade.
Here, it was also the most recently delivered vehicle: the tram had only been delivered just before, making it the very latest vehicle.

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

750 КБ

Антверпен,  Двухосный моторный La Croyère  200
Антверпен,  CAF Urbos 100  7434


The first vehicle of the parade was set up for the general public and this while the last vehicle was still underway.
It is a unique snapshot: the 200 was and is Antwerp's very first electric tram, the 7434 was a week old and the most recent vehicle. 121 year of difference between both trams...

28 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

711 КБ

Антверпен,  CGTA 2-axle motor car  181
Антверпен,  Siemens MGT6-1-1  7220


On 04 May, the press was invited to the tram museum on the occasion of the upcoming festivities. The date and the website, where all details can be found, are on the tram.

4 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

799 КБ

Антверпен,  Siemens MGT6-1-1  7220


The 7220 drives backwards to the tram museum, where it will be presented on the occasion of 150 years of trams in Antwerp.

4 мая 2023 г.
Автор: focus1965

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