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Окленд, Auckland Transport Board № 248
  ОклендAuckland Transport Board № 248 
Motions Road

Автор: focus1965 · Антверпен           Дата: 5 октября 2010 г., вторник


Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 04.04.2020 23:06 MSK
Просмотров — 424

Подробная информация

Окленд, Auckland Transport Board № 248

Депо/Парк:Museum of Transport and Technology
Модель:Auckland Transport Board
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется
Примечание:'Streamliner' Type
Bodywork: Auckland Transport Board's Royal Oak Workshops.
Trucks: EMB L5 of English manufacture.
Track Gauge: 4' 8½" (1435 mm) gauge.
Air wheel and track brakes, and hand-operated wheel brakes. 27-inch diameter spoked wheels. Owing to harsh and solid riding of 247 and 248, the ends of the EMB truck spring leaves were altered — reshuffled to form an overload type of spring.
Motors: 4 x Metropolitan Vickers MV109DY @ 35 HP
Controllers: General Electric GEK6 with Line Breaker Controller handle switch.

Auckland tram No. 248 is a 1938 'Streamliner' tram that was in service from the 8th July, 1938 to 29th December, 1956. The tram was built at the Auckland Transport Board's Royal Oak Workshops in streamlined design, the last type of tram to be built for Auckland tramway. No. 248 was one of the six trams in ceremonial 'Last Tram' parade that ran from outside the Chief Post Office in Lower Queen Street to the Epsom Tram Barns on the 29th December, 1956. Following this, 248 was the last passenger tram to move under power on Auckland Tramway system on the 4th June, 1957 from the Epsom Depot to Royal Oak Workshops in Manukau Road, over 5 months after the system's closure. Like other trams in the MOTAT Collection, this is one that was preserved in Matakohe by the Old Time Transport Preservation League before MOTAT was established at Western Springs.

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
Время съёмки:05.10.2010 00:48
Выдержка:1/400 с
Диафрагменное число:6.3
Чувствительность ISO:100
Фокусное расстояние:50 мм
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